Course management

Courses might be created manually on the website or uploaded from your mobile device.

To create course manually navigate to My account > Courses, and click Create new course on the left side bar.

courses course


First you need to put some marks (waypoints) on the map. There are two options to do this:

  1. right mouse click on the map, on the desired mark place – the mark will be added and dialog will appear to enter the name and the coordinates.
  2. drag the map while center marker (cross) will be in desired mark place and click Add Mark to center button at the left side bar.

To correct the mark properties – click on the mark and dialog will be opened.

To relocate the mark – drag and drop it to another place, or change the latitude/longitude fields in the mark dialog.

The “course” is a sequence, specifying the order and the side in what the marks should be taken.

Example above is the course of:

  • Starting line
  • One windward mark what should be left on the port lide
  • Finishing line

To enter this course in the sytem you have to:

  • Click on Start line button at the left side bar
  • Select pin (left) and boat (right) marks in drop-down boxes, bellow the map
  • Click on Port (left) button, select the windward mark in a drop-down
  • Click on Finish line, and select the marks